AUM 013 Umywalka ze stali nierdzewnej

Project: AUM 013, AUM013N, AUM 013Z stainless steel washbsin with automatic tap



AUM 013, AUM013N, AUM 013Z stainless steel washbsin with automatic tap

AUM 013 Umywalka ze stali nierdzewnej

AUM 013 is a new stainless wash basin designed for normal conditions. Thanks to its attractive design it can be used at any place where ceramic wash basins would normally be used.
The wash basin is produced in two standard models: wash basin without cover (AUM 013N) and more rigid model with cover (AUM 013Z). Surface finish is made by balottini sand-blasting resulting in velvet mat design.

The wash basin is either delivered separately as the bowl with a hole (33 mm diameter) for pillar mixer or as a set equipped by popular AUM 3 automatic sensor mixer in all designs – for pre-mixed (one) water, for two waters or with thermostatic valve. All models are produced to be supplied from 12 V, 50 Hz source (ZAC source) or from 6 V batteries (4 AA batteries)
AUM 013 washbasin (all version types)is manufactured from the stainless steel AISI 304. For cleaning we recomnned WÜRTH detergents – material preservation (no. 0893 121 K) and material cleaning (no. 893 121 1).