AUL 01, AUL 02

Project: AUL 01, AUL 02 stainless steel wash-troughs



AUL 01, AUL 02 stainless steel wash-troughs

AUL 01, AUL 02

AUL 01 and AUL 02 are stainless steel wash-troughs with sensor-controlled outflow arms. Water turns on automatically when the user’s hands are placed within the sensor’s range and turns off when they have been removed. Water stops running with a certain time delay after the hands have been removed from the scanning zone. The water temperature is set by means of a thermostatic valve for all outflow arms at once.

The wash-trough can be equipped with soap and disinfection lotion dispensers, paper towel dispensers, waste receptacles and other accessories. The standard version of the troughs is right (from the front view) in accordance with the water inlet and outlet.